Join us for a Baptismal Service on February 16, 2025. If you are interested in being baptized contact Pastor Ed Vinson.
Men’s Breakfast
Join us for our bi-monthly Men's breakfast with food, fellowship and a devotion. The Men's breakfast is on the thirdSaturday of every other month (Feb, April, June, Aug, Oct, Dec) at 8am. RSVP to the church office or sign-up on the bulletin board.
Grief Share
If you’ve lost a spouse, child, family member, or friend, you’ve probably found there are not many people who understand the deep hurt you feel. Grief Share is a ministry of HEFC that will be meet on Saturdays from 10am to noon thru February 15, 2025. You do not have to attend every meeting and can start at any time. There is no cost to attend this program. For more information about this new ministry, contact Susan Haynes or you can register below to be a part of Grief Share.
Join us on the second Sunday of each month for a potluck lunch immediately after the 10:30am service. Please sign up to bring a dish on the bulletin board in the foyer or at this link. February will be Soup, Salad, & Dessert.
Men’s Conference
The men's 2025 Noble Warriors Conference will be held on Saturday March 15th from 8:30am to 4:30pm in Charlottesville, VA at First Baptist Street Park (735 Park St). The cost is $50 for the early bird group rate. To learn more about this conference and register visit 2025 Noble Warriors Conference. Contact John Schmutte or Adam Miller if you have any questions.
In this sermon, Pastor Ed shares who the Holy Spirit is, what He does, the importance of being filled with the Spirit so we can be prepared to be Jesus'…
This story describes Jacob's problems in marriage, parenting & business until he comes face to face with God. He walks away with a limp but also as a changed man.
In this sermon, we look at Jacob (pre-conversion) in how he stole his brother's birthright and blessing, and his encounter with God at Bethel where he still bargains with God.