


Ed Vinson

Pastor Ed shows how Herod; the Religious Leaders and the Wise Men reacted to news of King Jesus' birth. People today react in those same ways.

The Gospel in Miniature

December 5, 2021 by
Ed Vinson

Pastor Ed will preach on the fact that Christ came to save by using John 3:16 and explaining the passage word by word.

The Value Of A Soul

October 31, 2021 by
Ed Vinson

Pastor Ed shares how valuable your soul is and how nothing can be given in exchange for it, except Christ's life given on the cross.

Remembering Rahab

September 26, 2021 by
Ed Vinson

Pastor Ed tells the story of "Rahab the Harlot" who helped the Jewish spies. God chooses unlikely people to do His will and how they act on what they believe.

Sermon Series:

The Story of Noah

August 1, 2021 by
Ed Vinson

Pastor Ed describes four actions that Noah took and four virtues that he had which he trusts will inspire us to take those same actions & possess those same virtues.

Sacrificing A Son

April 4, 2021 by
Ed Vinson

I share the story of Abraham offering his son, Isaac, and how that parallels god offering his son, Jesus.

Ed Vinson

In this sermon, I make the parallel between the account of the healing of 2 blind men that Jesus still heals us today, by faith.