Sermon Series: Freedom in Christ Romans 8 Freedom from Fear: A Life of Security February 23, 2020 by Ed Vinson We say there's no future for me. Romans 8:31-39 says you can live in security. share this sermon
Sermon Series: Freedom in Christ Romans 8 Freedom from Discouragement: A Life of Expectancy February 16, 2020 by Ed Vinson We say my life is falling apart. Romans 8:17-30 says you can expect good from God. share this sermon
Sermon Series: Freedom in Christ Romans 8 Freedom from Defeat: A Life of Victory February 9, 2020 by Ed Vinson We say 'I'm never gonna change'. Romans 8:5-16 says, you can have the victory over sin. share this sermon
Sermon Series: Freedom in Christ Romans 8 Freedom from Judgment: A Life of Liberty February 2, 2020 by Ed Vinson We tell ourselves I’m no good, the truth from Rom. 8:1-4 is God doesn’t condemn you. God is not mad at me, He doesn’t reject me. I am In Christ. share this sermon
The Unseen Realm January 26, 2020 by Ed Vinson Do you wonder why there is so much evil in the world? That is because supernatural entities stand behind governments and media influencing for evil. I will be discussing this… share this sermon