The Crossbearers Adult Sunday School class will begin a new study Sunday, March 2 by Dr. Arvind Balaram titled, “In the Beginning." This study is from the first three chapters of Genesis about how God created our world and man with insights as to how sin entered our world and its consequences.
Men’s Breakfast
Join us for our bi-monthly Men's breakfast with food, fellowship and a devotion. The Men's breakfast is on the thirdSaturday of every other month (Feb 15, April 19, June 21, Aug 16, Oct 18, Dec 20) at 8am. RSVP to the church office or sign-up on the bulletin board.
Easter Egg Hunt
Join us for an Easter Egg Hunt on April 13th from 1:00 - 3:00 pm for children ages 1-10. Resurrection Story, Gospel Story, face painting and more!
Men’s Conference
The men's 2025 Noble Warriors Conference will be held on Saturday March 15th from 8:30am to 4:30pm in Charlottesville, VA at First Baptist Street Park (735 Park St). The cost is $50 for the early bird group rate. To learn more about this conference and register visit 2025 Noble Warriors Conference. Contact John Schmutte or Adam Miller if you have any questions.
The third Fruit of the Spirit is peace. I will be discussing how you can bring peace into your relationships by being a peacemaker. Using the word peace, we'll see…
The second Fruit of the Spirit is joy. Joy isn't happiness. It isn't based on circumstances. It is the sense of delight that arises within us in the presence of…
Lots of people are living broken worlds, their lives shattered. Peter was such a person after denying he even knew the Lord. But Jesus reached out to him and restored…
Palm Sunday’s sermon highlights 4 “coincidences” about Jesus’ Triumphal Entry: the colt being exactly where Jesus said it would be, the fulfilling of Zechariah 9:9, the acceptance of His coming,…
Right now, most of us are worried about the virus and our health and loved ones. We’re concerned about our jobs and 401K and retirement. We’re anxious about the US…