Is It Nothing To You March 21, 2021 by Ed Vinson This sermon explores our difference to lost people and our own relationship with God. share this sermon
Conquering Complaining March 14, 2021 by Ed Vinson I share 4 types of complainers & 5 biblical steps to overcoming this sin. share this sermon
Sermon Series: Joy in Philippians God’s Part/My Part In Changing Me March 7, 2021 by Ed Vinson Here I describe how the Christian grows in his or her relationship with God which is a combination of responding to God's resources. share this sermon
Sermon Series: Joy in Philippians Christ Supreme February 28, 2021 by Ed Vinson I do a verse-by-verse explanation of how Jesus Christ is Supreme from His pre-existent state to His incarnation to His exaltation. share this sermon
Sermon Series: Joy in Philippians How to Get Along with Others February 21, 2021 by Ed Vinson There was disunity in the Philippian church. Paul urges them to live for Christ and love each other as the cure. share this sermon
Sermon Series: Be Joyful Be Joyful No Matter What February 14, 2021 by Ed Vinson In this message I share how Paul had joy in spite of terrible circumstances. share this sermon
Sermon Series: Joy in Philippians Enjoying the People in Your Life February 7, 2021 by Ed Vinson This is the first in a sermon series on Philippians. I talk about the background of the letter, then how to enjoy people by doing 4 things. share this sermon
Sermon Series: Spiritual Gifts Spiritual Gifts (Part 3) January 24, 2021 by Ed Vinson I describe the Gift of Tongues and Gifts of Healing using Scripture. share this sermon
Sermon Series: Spiritual Gifts Spiritual Gifts (Part 2) January 17, 2021 by Ed Vinson I discuss 7 of 9 supernatural spiritual gifts in the above passage by defining them, giving examples in Scripture, showing how it's used & where it's mostly used. share this sermon
Sermon Series: Spiritual Gifts Spiritual Gifts (Part 1) January 10, 2021 by Ed Vinson In this sermon I discuss what spiritual gifts are and aren't & how to find your gift. share this sermon