


Sermon Series:

The Story of Noah

August 1, 2021 by
Ed Vinson

Pastor Ed describes four actions that Noah took and four virtues that he had which he trusts will inspire us to take those same actions & possess those same virtues.

Sermon Series:

The Story of Adam & Eve

July 11, 2021 by
Ed Vinson

In this sermon, I discuss humankind's place in Creation, how we reflect God's image, human's responsibilities as image bearers, and the three components of what marriage is.

Ed Vinson

Pastor Ed shares 3 passages where God seems to be unfair but after a further look, the bigger mystery isn't God's occasional acts of justice but His many instances of…

Ed Vinson

This sermon explores spiritual warfare in that the enemy of our souls is tricky, he builds strongholds in our minds by lies and deceit.  We believe his lies and act…