Sermon Series: Freedom in Christ Romans 8 Freedom from Fear: A Life of Security February 23, 2020 by Ed Vinson We say there's no future for me. Romans 8:31-39 says you can live in security. share this sermon
Sermon Series: Freedom in Christ Romans 8 Freedom from Discouragement: A Life of Expectancy February 16, 2020 by Ed Vinson We say my life is falling apart. Romans 8:17-30 says you can expect good from God. share this sermon
Sermon Series: Freedom in Christ Romans 8 Freedom from Defeat: A Life of Victory February 9, 2020 by Ed Vinson We say 'I'm never gonna change'. Romans 8:5-16 says, you can have the victory over sin. share this sermon
Sermon Series: Freedom in Christ Romans 8 Freedom from Judgment: A Life of Liberty February 2, 2020 by Ed Vinson We tell ourselves I’m no good, the truth from Rom. 8:1-4 is God doesn’t condemn you. God is not mad at me, He doesn’t reject me. I am In Christ. share this sermon