I trust you are doing well today. God is still on the throne and He is with you. Give Him your loneliness, worry, temptations and discouragement. Are you tuned in to Him through the Scriptures and prayer?
I hope you’ve listened to my sermon which is up on our website. It not, I encourage you to do so. As always, they will be on there. This Sunday we may try to do it “live” either on Facebook Live or Youtube Live or another platform. At the very least, the sermon will be available in audio form on the website.
I plan to have a 5-10 minute chat on Facebook Live this Wednesday at 7 PM, if I get it up and running. That is something I would like to do until things get back to “normal.” (A new normal).
For info on the coronavirus, consult the CDC website. On the Drudge Report, there is a “sick map” of up to the minute states worldwide. By all means, follow best practice safety measures if you need to be out and about.
There are no church ministries happening this week except food ministry. We will access the situation next week and determine what we can do together if anything. To clarify, we won’t be meeting for church this Sunday.
Psalm 38:11 – “My friends and companions avoid me because of my wounds (Virus): My neighbors stay far away.” (6-foot safe space) Who says the Bible isn’t relevant? The Pharisees chided the Disciples for not washing their hands. Come on guys, wash those hands!