A Note From The Pastor


A Note From The Pastor

Happy New Year to you!  I pray that 2024 will be a great & perhaps even better year than 2023 was for you.  We have much to be thankful for.

First off, let me encourage you to be in the Word.  There are many reading plans that can take you through the whole Bible in a year or the New Testament.  There is a reading plan in the church foyer you can pick up.  Of course, apply what you are reading.

I want to share some thoughts on my reading in Luke 2:41-52, the boy Jesus in the Temple.  What an interesting story!  Jesus was separated from his family for a few days and they found him in the temple conversing with the religious experts.  I was lost in a department store once for a few minutes and I was terrified.  Jesus seemed so calm and unafraid.  He was in his Father’s house after all!

I wondered where did he sleep those days?  What did he eat?  Did a priest or rabbi take him into his home?  Why didn’t the religious guys go searching for his parents?  I had more questions than answers but it was a fascinating story of how special Jesus is even as a boy!

Pastor Ed