A Note From The Pastor


A Note From The Pastor

Come out this Saturday at 6:30 p.m. and enjoy a concert by Southern Gospel quartet, The Rivertown Boys. We will take a love offering for them and their CD’s will be available for purchase.

I have scheduled our church to pray outside the Planned Parenthood facility on N. Hamilton Road in Richmond on Saturday, October 30 from 10:00 – 11:00 a.m. We will be working with 40 Days For Life, which is a community-based campaign that draws attention to the evil of abortion through the use of prayer and fasting, peaceful vigil and community outreach.

40 Days For Life takes a determined, peaceful approach to showing local communities the consequences of abortion. It puts into action a desire to cooperate with God in the carrying out of His plan for the end of abortion in America. The 40-day campaign tracks Biblical history, where God used 40-day periods to transform individuals and communities. For more information, go to www.40daysforlife.com.