Kayla Alvarez will be arriving Saturday as a summer intern working with Jodi and our Praise Team. She’s from New York and attends Barclay Friends College in Kansas. She will also be serving at Camp Wakefield’s two camps this summer. Weston Smith arrives around June 25th. He will be working with Pastor Charles and our youth team. He will also be at Camp Wakefield. I encourage you to ask these young people questions about their life and ministry and even invite them over for a home-cooked meal.
Sean Feucht and team will be coming to Richmond for a Kingdom to the Capitol event June 9th at 5:00 p.m. He is a worship leader and has been to many state capitols leading worship and praying for those states. If you are interested in going, check out his website, https://www.seanfeucht.com/.
Jim Caviezel, who played Jesus in the Passion has made a movie on child trafficking. It is called the Sound of Freedom. Be on the lookout for that.
We prayed for Cathy’s mom Barbara yesterday as she was taken to the hospital. From the tests so far, they haven’t found anything alarming. She will be assessed for falling danger and return to her assisted living facility later this week. Thank you for your concern & prayers.