I loved our drive-In service on Sunday! I’d like you to read what Donn Irvin wrote:
“To Pastor, praise team, ushers, and all those that park the cars and made our awesome open air church service.
Also to all my brothers and sisters who were there today.
It was amazing. Thank you all so very very much for all that you did to make this happen.
Yes, very different but in the beginning it was open air meetings and a good reminder that the building is not where God dwells but God dwells within all believers, so therefore; the Holy Spirit was very present today even though we each sat in our own car. His presence was there because he lives inside of each one of us individually. So wherever you and I are, there the spirit of God is.
So, if we came today and didn’t feel the spirit moving and working then it’s time for us each individually to check our lives because the Holy Spirit was present but it’s up to us with whom he dwells to let him have full reign and move.
Don’t know about the rest of my brothers and sisters, but what I do know for me HE was there and he had full reign and I am forever grateful for everyone that did the hard work to give us this opportunity today to come together corporately and to praise and worship God together, to listen to the word of God be preached, and then the icing on the cake, to take communion together.
Yes He is alive
Yes He has risen
Yes He is seated at the right hand of the father
Yes we are the temple of God and he dwells within us.
Yes this world is not our home
Yes we are seated with Him in the heavenlies
Yes It is finished
Yes He is coming for his bride
Yes He is coming again to save his chosen people and to rule and reign on the throne of David
Yes His bride will come with Him in our glorified bodies.
Amen Amen Amen
Love you all”
Let’s do it again this Sunday at 10:30.
Sunday’s service is on our website ( and Facebook page if you weren’t able to attend Sunday, as well as the Wednesday chats.
This week I am beginning a new sermon series based on the Fruit of the Spirit in Galatians 5:22-23. The sermon series will be paired with a RightNow Media teaching called, “Tasty” by Pastor James Merritt. I encourage you to watch that this week and ask yourself:
- Am I motivated by love? (1 Cor. 13:1-3)
- Am I marked by love? (1 Cor. 13:4-6)
- Am I mastered by love? (1 Cor. 13:7-8)
The first sermon is on Love, “Keep Love Alive.”
I asked Jo Twigg and Jim Trusty to provide testimonials as to how they are using RightNow Media to enhance their walks with Christ. Listen to what they say:
Jim Trusty says, “RightNow Media is the ultimate shopping place for personal Bible study because of the amount of resources it has. It totally channels my thinking on a daily basis. I can access it anywhere, anytime and when I’m on-the-go I can even listen through my bluetooth. When something has been heavy on my heart, I go to it and search topically to learn more. Romans 10:17 says, “Faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the Word of God” and the more you pour the Word into you, the easier it is to be prepared to give an account for the hope that I have as it tells us in 1 Pet 3:15. This has been a great tool to continue pouring the Word in me in between church services. I’m always learning something so I can “Grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.” 2 Peter 3:18.”
Jo Twigg says, “Here is the testimony from our Life Group…
When Right Now Media was first introduced to our congregation, I considered it just a source of information should I need it…after scanning through the content, I knew that I had other resources which were more helpful to me as a Children’s Director for a large bible study group. I maybe would scroll through the children’s resources at times and actually was not super impressed. In March of this year before covid-19 restrictions, I again browsed through the children’s resources and this time, discovered so many new options of resources offered. I kept searching and searching and…for such a time as this…discovered a wealth of faith-growing options…not only for children, but for our young millennials and for our Life Group. Our Life Group began a study in Revelation last week (we have Zoom meetings) and we are currently using David Platt’s video and notes as a point of reference for our bible reading which we can project on-screen in our zoom meetings. Carl and I have also downloaded RightNow Media on our Smart TV to view and also search through Right Now Media’s many options of study which is totally awesome when you can view it on big screen. I have also further enhanced my quiet time with Right Now Media’s many options even as I do my exercises. We have encouraged our Life Group members to take advantage of this resource for their whole family and have received very positive comments.”
Jesus is risen from the dead today! And tomorrow! And the next day! We live by His resurrection power (Ephesians 1:19-20). Have a good and safe week. See you Sunday for the Drive-in service!