On Saturday you will receive an email from Lisa which is the pastoral renewal survey. Click on the link that says congregation. You will be asked to fill in the church name and if you are a member or regular attender. There are 5 questions. Click the answer you feel best answers the question. After the questions is a comment box. Write all you want as the box will expand. This is optional, as is your contact information. Then click submit and you are finished! I will complete a separate survey as will our elders and staff. We have from Sunday March 1st through Sunday March 8th to complete the surveys. A written survey is available for non-computer users. You can also come in to the church during business hours and Lisa will help you fill it out.
We had a baptismal service Sunday after church at Compass Christian Church just down the street. Three children were baptized: William Meadors and Ivy and Kai Trusty. Congratulate these children on their commitment to follow Christ.